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Booking Conditions
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Booking Conditions

Payment of the reservation:
For online bookings, a 25 % will be charged on credit/debit card for the reservation confirmation.

Data protection:
We provide the privacy of the personal data that is not used when you specify your request so.

Security in your transaction:
When a charge is made on your card when you book online, payment is made by security protocol with the highest standards.

Confirmation by e-mail:
You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the booking information.

Booking cancellation:
If you want to cancel your reservation, you can do so through the confirmation mail. Please check the cancellation policy when booking for cancelling without any cost. There are some special rates and deals subject to policies prepayment or fees not refundable not cancellable.

Advantages of booking with us

Transfer Services
KeepThe Bags
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